A journey through a city, a time, a place and an emotion that finds its feet and grows.
This child absorbs the worlds around her, finding her rhythm, exploring, realising, evolving, replicating, fading.
absorptance (n); a measure of the rate of decrease in the intensity of electromagnetic radiation (light) as it passes through a given substance; the fraction of incident radiant energy absorbed per unit mass or thickness of an absorber; “absorptance equals 1 minus transmittance”
Composed nine years after Tempest, Absorptance was the first experiment in pulling together the textural soundscape aesthetic with more melodic and rhythmic style of some of my earlier pieces.
The piece was far more pre-planned in its structure than most others. The core melodic theme was recorded some years previously, direct to DAT – the rest of the soundscape and structure was built around it. The completion of the piece was catalysed by an event produced by Moral Support in Kings Cross, London in 2002.
- Placard, London. September 2005
- La France, London. February 2005
- ResonanceFM, London. Nov 2004
- Kings Cross Arches, London 2002