
Part of an emerging submanifold: ‘Quantum tide’

Autonoe imagines the tidal forces on this moon, not just from Jupiter’s gravity but also from quantum tides, where the moon’s surface itself oscillates between different states, with some unexpected collisions.


A return to my Jean-Michel Jarre origins infused with a measure of Amon Tobin, with my usual dose of ‘not what you expected’.

“Quantum Tide” refers to the idea of quantum effects—like particles behaving in strange, wave-like ways—shaping and influencing a space or system, similar to how tides on Earth are influenced by the moon’s gravity, but on a much smaller, atomic scale.

For those curious, the name has roots (as always)…

1. Autonoe (or Jupiter XXVIII)
A moon of Jupiter, belonging to the Pasiphae group or irregular retrograde moons.

2) Autonoë (daughter of Cadmus, who founded Thebes)
She and her sisters were driven into a bacchic frenzy by the god Dionysus (her nephew) when Pentheus refused to allow his worship in the city. When Pentheus came to spy on their revels, Agave, the mother of Pentheus and Autonoë’s sister, spotted him in a tree. They tore him to pieces in their Bacchic fury…as retribution for Pentheus’s lack of piety for the gods

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